5th Grade
Torah Service - Returning the Torah Scroll
Shabbat - Concluding Sections - Adon Olam
Shabbat - Concluding Sections - Aleinu
Shabbat - Concluding Sections - Ashrei
Shabbat - Concluding Sections - Ein Keiloheinu
6th Grade
Brachot L'Torah
Bracha Before the Haftarah
Blessing After the Haftarah
B'nei Mitzvah
Friday Evening Service
Barchu for Friday Evening
Eil Chai V'kayam
Ahavat Olam
Shema and V'ahavta
Umalchuto and Mi Chamocha
Hashkiveinu and Ufros Aleinu
Half Kaddish
Oseh Shalom
Avot for Friday Evening
Magein Avot
Full Kaddish
Friday Evening Kiddush
Saturday Morning Service
Preliminary Service L'Shabbat
Removing the Torah Scroll, pt. 1
Removing the Torah Scroll, pt. 2
Removing the Torah Scroll, pt. 3
Torah Service - Returning the Torah Scroll
Concluding Section - Adon Olam
Concluding Section - Aleinu
Concluding Section - Ashrei
Concluding Section - Ein Keiloheinu
Concluding Section - Saturday Morning Kiddush
Torah and Blessings
Brachot L'Torah
Trope - Etnachta Phrase
Trope - Sof Pasuk Phrase
Trope - Katon Phrase
Trope - T'vir Phrase
Trope - Gershayim, R'via, V'azla
Trope - K'tana, Gedolah, Pazeir
Trope - Segol Phrase
Trope - Zakeif Gadal & Yetiv
Trope - Concluding Phrase
Torah Trope Part A
Torah Trope Part B
Haftarah and Blessings
Bracha Before the Haftarah
Blessing After the Haftarah
Haftarah Trope Part A
Haftarah Trope Part B
Birkat HaMazon - Abbreviated
Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785