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                                                                                                   Tu Bishvat 101
                                          The "birthday of the trees" is a time for seders, tree-planting and more.


                              Tu Bishvat Foods                                                            Planting Trees for Tu Bishvat
         Recipes for the birthday of the trees,                               This act has always been held in high regard
        when it is traditional to eat fruit and nuts.                                                 in Judaism.

                   Eating Fruit on Tu Bishvat                                            Tu Bishvat, the Jewish “Birthday” of the Trees
                  This tie to the land of Israel                                           A minor festival, seemingly tailor-made for
              has been carried out in many ways.                                         today's Jewish environmentalists.

Tu Bishvat Quiz

How much do you know about this environmentally friendly holiday

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785