Click on the images below to learn more!
Passover Recipes
Delicious dishes for you and your family for the seder and beyond.
Matzah Baking, an 18-Minute Project
Do it yourself, or learn about this intense process.
Do I need to have two Passover Seders? Passover Seder: How to be a Good Guest
Israeli Jews observe only one Passover seder, but What to expect at a Passover seder.
Jews who reside elsewhere often have two.
Kitniyot: Not Quite Hametz 10 Tips for a Less Stressful Passover
The Passover debate surrounding rice, millet, How to get ready for Passover without
corn and legumes. having a nervous breakdown.
Rules for Passover What is not OK to Eat on Passover
From avoiding leavened products to the Fast of Your guide to which foods are customarily avoided
the First Born, here's your cheat sheet of on the holiday.
Passover practices.
New Thoughts
Ruth's Cup: A New Passover Ritual Dayenu: A Jewish Template for Gratitude
Honoring Jewish Diversity The classic seder poem is not merely a reflection on Passover,
A ritual welcome for converts at Passover. but a model for true thanks.
How to Make Your Passover Seder Inclusive Remembering Our Oppression with Sweetness
Tips for making your non-Jewish guests and family The haroset paste eaten at the Passover Seder recalls
members feel welcome and comfortable. the mortar the Israelite slaves used to build in Egypt.
So why is it so sweet?
Where to Find Songs for Your Passover Seder How to Make Your Own Passover Haggadah
Online resources for Passover recordings, A DIY Haggadah adds a personal touch to your
lyrics, sheet music and more. seder and can make for a more meaningful holiday.
Supplementary Seder Readings Exodus: History or Mythic Tale?
Remembering the oppressed-- A biblical scholar reviews the historical claims of the
and others in need--at the seder biblical book of Exodus.