Vigil Invitation and Rabbinic Reflection
06/04/2020 08:37:31 AM
Please join me on Zoom on Sunday night, June 7 at 8:00 PM, for a vigil in memory of George Floyd. We will sing, recite psalms, and provide resources for advocacy.
Join the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 928 5874 9128
Password: Shalom
The killing of George Floyd has shaken us from our focus on the pandemic into a deeper state of chaos. Across the racial and political spectrum, we are dealing with anger, frustration, fear, and uncertainty. George Floyd’s blood calls to us from the ground. You and I are being asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Let our answer be, “Yes. Hineini. Here I am”.
There was a moment, a few weeks ago, when I was thinking that this global pandemic will be a wake-up call to humanity. Maybe this was a time for healing and unity. And then, George Floyd was killed and the chaos returned. Our minds are filled with questions and we seek answers. We seek healing and resolution. We seek action.
- How do we work toward justice?
- How do we console and support our communities of color?
- How do we protect our fellow citizens?
- How do we protest safely during a pandemic?
- How do we train and protect police officers?
- How do we condemn looting and disorderly conduct without demoralizing the lawful protest?
- How do we help minimize the chances that this will happen again?
Our Brith Shalom community is seeking answers and formulating responses.
In the meantime, here are a few resources and statements:
Blessings for justice, healing, compassion, and peace,
Rabbi Teller